Section 37.2.1
Octree creation takes place on the CPU. Creating an octree (or any hierarchical structure) directly on the GPU is very difficult, mainly because of memory allocation and pointer creation. (It would require a scatter operation, not available on today's GPUs).
Once the octree is created on the CPU it is send to the GPU through our GPU octree texture API (see class CHrdwTree.cpp). Whenever the octree is modified on the CPU side, the octree stored on the GPU is updated (see section 37.2.2).
It seems that no matter how many times I proof read something, mistakes will always remain.
Please appologize for the following errors:
Figure 37.5 In the top left part of the Figure, labeled 'The Quadtree', the lookup point should be in the leaf just above (top left corner of node C) to be consistent with the rest of the figure.
Figure 37.5 In the 'Depth 0' part of the figure, the purple arrow in node A should start from the bottom left corner of node A. It represents the relative coordinates of the lookup point within the node indirection grid.